Publicis Media

Helping our clients grow their business is what makes us tick. We help brands find new customers and engage better with existing ones. We combine thinkers, do-ers, extroverts, introverts, storytellers, left brainers, right brainers and sometimes our dogs help us out too. We are the fastest growing and most exciting media agency group in the UK, if not the world.

Our belief

It’s a well-known fact that brands need to be distinctive, get noticed and be front of mind to grow. Attention, or lack thereof, is a brand’s worst enemy. 

Publicis Media is here to help brands capture that attention and tell their story more distinctly through media.

We’re trusted by some of the world’s largest and most disruptive brands, such as Samsung, Meta, TikTok and Disney.

We understand buyers better

In today’s world, merely getting syndicated data or broad segments from partners isn’t enough. That’s why our planners develop insights from what people think, feel, do – and what they buy – using the richest available data sources, such as our own Epsilon CORE ID. 

In the UK, Epsilon CORE ID gives our clients access to over 12m transaction verified identifiers to build-out from their own first-party data. This is the gold standard of verification and clean data – people who have transacted recently – so we know they are real, fresh and accurate.

All this means we can help reengage lapsed customers, sell more to current customers and find people with the greatest tendency to become new customers.

We create better customer experience

From Google to Amazon, TikTok to Twitch, there are a plethora of platforms that have been welcomed by people into their lives. 

Our deep understanding of this fast-scrolling, low-attention world makes us ideally placed to help brands stand out, be relevant at all stages of a customer’s journey, and ultimately achieve better business results. That’s why we were named agency of record for both Meta and TikTok.

Publicis Media is a Google Marketing Platform Reseller, a Google Data Partner and certified as Gold Standard 2.0 by the IAB.

We’re set up to help brands grow

Our client centric approach removes all barriers to achieving the right results for our clients. Whether that’s through one of our agencies or a bespoke solution, we are all united behind a shared ambition to drive brand growth.

In practical terms, we deliver strategic thinking and analysis, investment planning, media owner negotiation, in-market execution, project management, measuring, modelling, optimising and a lot of hard work.

Our agencies – Spark Foundry, Starcom and Zenith – are the front door to talent and client relationships. Each agency has its own unique strength, and each is backed by the combined buying power of PMX and the performance marketing expertise of Performics.

Underpinning all that we do is our operations powerhouse that looks after everything from tagging to reporting so the little things in life don’t become an irritation. In fact, Publicis Media is the only media holding group with a globally deployed, automated system workflow tool to drive consistency, flawless execution, and automated reporting.

Our media agencies

Spark Foundry

We are the Acceleration Agency. We help brands identify, learn and respond to media opportunities faster than the competition.

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Move people. Move Business. The future lies in bringing together media, creativity and data to create powerful experiences that will drive faster growth. We are the flagship Publicis Media agency to do this through our Power of One client teams.

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We make Bold Moves in media to take clients down new, more profitable paths that deliver impact for brands and value for consumers.

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Spark Foundry

Every client has an area of their business they need to accelerate. From executional challenges around campaign launches and sales activity to transformational challenges around digital integration and data. Acceleration is the difference between getting ahead or falling behind. 

Our proposition as the Acceleration Agency, has helped clients navigate the most difficult year on record. Now it is providing a launchpad for their future. 


Move people. Move Business. The future lies in bringing together media, creativity and data to create powerful experiences that will drive faster growth. We are the flagship Publicis Media agency to do this through our Power of One client teams.


Without Bold Moves, everything stays the same.

We work with clients to do stuff differently, to take them down more profitable paths. Whether that is communicating in new spaces, solving an old problem in a new way or finding an angle nobody else has uncovered.

Let’s not allow the status quo to prevail. 

Our media capabilities


Performics is the performance marketing arm of Publicis Media, leveraging technology and innovation to create and convert consumer demand through search, social, display and commerce.

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PMX is our trading arm, and the second largest media buyer in the world responsible for over £1.8bn of annual media spend in the UK alone.

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Publicis Media Content

Publicis Media Content creates and curates premium content which aligns what brands want to say with what audiences want to hear.

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Specialist Practices

Rooted in best-in-class media capability, we provide seamless access to expertise across everything from commerce, content and sports marketing.

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Performics is the performance marketing arm of Publicis Media, leveraging technology and innovation to create and convert consumer demand through search, social, display and commerce. 

Over the past two decades, Performics has cultivated deep partner relationships with the leading search engines, social networks, and media platforms, helping all Publicis Media clients maximise their effectiveness in the Platform World.

Unlike other agency groups, Performics is the agency-of-record in performance marketing for over 95% of Publicis Media’s clients. It is also the most awarded and accredited performance marketing team of any UK agency holding group.


PMX guarantees safe and effective media investment with premium publishers and platforms that help brands grow. 

Our digital buying tools are independently audited as being over 96% accurate in reaching real people, but that doesn’t stop us constantly striving to be better. 

Our ambition is to be the most trusted and transparent partner for both clients and media owners.

Publicis Media Content

Publicis Media Content creates and curates premium content which aligns what brands want to say with what audiences want to hear. By fusing search, social and influencer data we can quickly identify what good looks like for any audience on any platform for any type of creative asset. Either by partnering with media owners and influencers, or by using our in-house team of skilled producers and creatives, we create effective, impactful data-led content which ensures maximum engagement and earned reach with no compromise on quality.

Specialist Practices

PMX guarantees safe and effective media investment with premium publishers and platforms that help brands grow. 

Our digital buying tools are independently audited as being over 96% accurate in reaching real people, but that doesn’t stop us constantly striving to be better. 

Our ambition is to be the most trusted and transparent partner for both clients and media owners.

NextTECHnow partners with innovative martech start-ups to deliver solutions to help brands differentiate themselves from competitors. Our partners help us solve problems for clients in media planning and buying, audience insight, data capture, commerce, content, agile production, AR/VR and the metaverse.

Media Specialties

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