Subway: 100% Tuna
The Challenge
A frivolous lawsuit was filed in the US, claiming that the tuna in Subway’s subs wasn’t 100% tuna. These baseless allegations were potential headline fodder for the UK media.
We needed to get ahead of the story, to ensure that when it did land in the UK, the media knew the facts first.
The Solution
First, we crafted market-tailored statements for the UK, Ireland, Sweden, mainland Europe and parts of Africa and Asia that debunked the allegations. Rather than wait for enquiries – which were not reaching us due to the global source of the story – we proactively pitched this statement to media in the UK.
Then we advised Subway to hit out at these claims on Twitter which slowed the chatter substantially.
Finally, to ensure that the plaintiffs didn’t try their luck, we advised Subway to highlight its creds and commitment to providing 100% tuna in its subs with a fully integrated campaign, including national press advertising and social.
This was the beginning of Subway highlighting its fresh food creds. We got ahead of the story, slowed the social chatter and we avoided a lot of fishy media headlines.
We didn’t wait for the story to land. We pitched directly to the journalists who would cover stories like this, we led with the facts on Twitter and our national campaign highlighting the provenance of our food.