Fertility Network: #Scream4IVF
The Challenge
1 in 6 couples in the UK experience infertility, yet 88% of local authorities don’t provide the recommended IVF treatment. And your access is decided not on your medical need, but on where you live. It’s a practice that’s left thousands of people screaming in frustration, screams that are going unheard.
The Solution
We turned the silent screams of infertile couples into the world’s longest scream for IVF, providing a platform for a social campaign to get our voice heard by the people who could make the difference: the lawmakers.
We elevated the issue of IVF rationing to the national stage, gained over 100,000 petition signatures, and forced a debate in parliament. The government has since put pressure on all local authorities to stop IVF rationing, leading many to reinstate patients’ access to fertility treatment.
– 80 pieces of media coverage
– 105,000 petition signatures
– 2 local authorities reinstated patients’ access to IVF
– 4 local authorities stopped plans to reduce access to IVF
– Bronze – Clios Award – Public relations