PopPulse: The Crisis Hangover by Leo Burnett UK

  • October 17, 2024

Leo Burnett revealed the results from the third wave of PopPulse, the ground-breaking research platform, designed to pop the ad-land bubble and plug brands into what the people of Britain are really feeling.

How? PopPulse listens to the listeners – the hairdressers, beauticians, bar workers, personal trainers, and decorators that hear what the nation is really talking about, each and every day.

They then corroborate these insights with a panel of “People Experts” (including neuroscientists, anthropologists, cultural consultants and journalists), plus a sprinkling of traditional focus groups for good measure.

The result is an extraordinary understanding of our nation’s truest emotions and a rare resource for any brand looking to put their finger on the pulse of popular culture.

The latest report reveals that the public is living though a Crisis Hangover and looks at how brands can now provide a cure.

Read the full report here.

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